Wednesday, June 1, 2011

BMW - Ultimate Driving Machine

BMW (Ultimate Driving Machine)

· Protect creative team

· Safeguard artistic process (Less time and market pressure do not harm the actual work)

· Inventive communicator – Persuade

· Cars – Moving work of art that express the drivers love for quality. Use real wood

· Designers – No other department can talk to them directly, handsome package, well lit work space, state of art equipment

· Can’t push artists even if the design fails, artist should be made to listen to his creativity

o Understanding – Arriving at final choice by involving upper management

o Believing – Perfect the design

o Seeing – Focus in details from customer point of view

· Clay models to be looked at in actual sunlight

· Designers given strict deadline for TIME

· Cartoon works better to clear concepts

· Focus on big picture

· Interbrand – built brand image of BMW 30 years ago

1. They got it right – BMW

2. What product is (How well the product do what it needs to do) – Product integrity

a. Product coherence – consistent with product claims, packaging (compatible with product)

b. Product fit – Fit with needs of the customer

3. Heritage – Build for 5% drivers. Beautiful integrated package, Product – Brand – Personality

4. BMW is for younger generation (wearing flashy clothes, more into sports, buys on credit). Mercedez is for aged customers

5. Speed and efficiency of product development

6. Driving experience – Joy of driving

7. Qualitative meaning – Muscle, like an animal, feels like a horse

8. Problem with BMW – Acquired Land Rover

9. More than 50% asset of BMW are intangible assets

Scenario Mapping – Crafting scenario for the future (Most likely - optimistic / pessimistic). Example – Shell’s prediction of Gulf war

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