Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why one should learn entrepreneurship?

1. To stimulate new business and the economy – new jobs and opportunities

2. To move to an information society where strategic resources are information, knowledge and creativity

3. To adjust to an increasingly global, competitive economy

4. To find solutions to problems and needs

5. To improve performance

6. To help number of failed business

7. To find new ways to solve social problems

8. To inspire and enhance opportunities for women, youth and elderly

9. To accept and respond to change

10. To help shift workers from a manufacturing / industrial base to a “service oriented industry”

Traits of an entrepreneur

· Tolerance for uncertainty and change

· Ability to create the illusion of stability

· Ability to deal with the unexpected

· Attention to detail

· Desire to go against the status quo (how things have always been done)

· Creative and innovative

· Endurance

· Long-term perspective

· Optimistic

· Fun-loving

· Independent

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