Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stripples - Worthington Foods

Case Study on Stripples (Worthington Foods)

· Institutions – Prisons (cheap), hospitals / nursing homes / colleges / Restaurant (taste)

· Household markets – Buy for one-self (Economy in purchase, easy preparation, good health, high shelf life)

· Meat packers and processors (By blending with meat – quantity and nutrient value increases) – 70% pure meat, 30% stripples

· Problem – Presence of monosodium glucolate (a preservative) and egg texture (hence not vegetarian)

· This product was a disaster – 11.2 million dollars of stock burnt before 15 days of expiry (people take 15 days to consume meat stored in fridge)

· The product was not tested on wives / lady of the house. Lady was not able to see the actual beacon shrinkage and thought that the product is not fit to consume (customer’s experience while cooking)

· Optimal duration (Trial rate and repeat purchase rate)

· Arrogance of the company costed them heavily

· Whirlpool launch in Japan – Small volumes of clothes with Nylon being tear easily in the machine and short height of Japanese women (not able to reach in washing machine to take out clothes)

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