Wednesday, June 1, 2011



Singapore Govt. honors shops assistants & friendly taxi drivers. Public opinion is taken for judgment. Jiardino was the winner (Hongkong based company).

Location is most important in marketing sales


· Show over stock to give perception of choices

· Colour patters – Black, Grey, White (Hence, have high non moving stock)

· Free telephone calls from the shop (Telephone in middle in order to allow to look at clothes)

· Umbrella portraying logo (given on rent in Singapore). Sold umbrella to restaurants.

· Free alteration of clothes for entire life (Customer keeps coming back)

· No question asked, return and refund policy (NQARRP)


Conducted mall intercept interview with 5-6% conversion rate

Wardrobe audit – Hung Vs folded Vs washed Vs sizes/colours

Conclusion – Everyone had black & white coloured clothes

3 I’s in marketing excellence

· Insight

· Integration

· Implementation

Marketing Dashboard: To perceive the health of the brand. Parameters are footfall, conversion of footfalls into transactions, number of transactions per customer, margins per sell. Profit margins are much higher in accessories.

Blue Ocean strategy

· Industry / market not existent today

· Demand is CREATED rather than fought over

· Competition is irrelevant

· Innovation raises & creates value

Red Ocean Strategy

· Market / Competitors unknown

· Products become commodities & not experience

· Companies take share of other competitors

Rules already exist & are set

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