Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Guest Lecture - Marketing and Consumer Insight and Branding and Positioning

Session 2 – Marketing, Consumer Insight, Branding & Positioning

Guest Lecturer: Mr. Siddharth Suri (MBA from Symbiosis, Pune; Working with Britania for past 12 years in Sales & Marketing)

Date: July 24, 2010 Time: 12:00 hrs – 13:30 hrs

Take away from the session:

  1. Marketing is all about understanding the needs of consumer, which propels into finding the need gap & finally filling that need gap.
  2. Insight is when more people are able to relate themselves with the incident / product. The consumer insight is seen in success story of Liril (Projecting positive emotion of freedom, at the time of taking bath) and Johnson & Johnson / Onida (Projecting negative emotions like guilt of not using the product). Any negative emotion is remembered at greater lengths than a positive one.
  3. Brand is a product / service that command a price premium. Stronger the brand, higher the premium demanded.
  4. Positioning strategy of Britannia in UAE market: Britannia has tied up with strategic food & baker’s pride in Dubai to position itself in low price & medium imagery segment (Mid-segment & Mass-segment) as well as in High price & high imagery segment (between Premium-segment & Mid-segment).Mass-segment is characterized by Low price, no promotions, fussy image, whereas Premium segment is characterized by Premium pricing, increasing market share, differentiated product, but limited local connect.
  5. They are also flagging their products with Green flag to market in UAE. The strategy is making customer feel that they are paying a low price but enjoying a high end product.

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