Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quiz Practice Paper 1

Managerial Economics – 1 (Prof H Mankad)

Question 1 - By enacting minimum wage laws, the governments have

Answer - Artificially raised wages

Question 2 - In BCG Matrix, intensity of competition between firms is high in

Answer - Upper half

Question 3 - Oligopoly is a dominant form of market structure mainly because

Answer - Technology and high capital cost make very large scale of operations inevitable

Question 4 - With very high tax rates, the revenues collection of the government

Answer - Shrinks

Question 5 - The kinked demand curve for oligopoly pricing has a kink where objective (actual) demand curve intersects subjective demand curve

Answer - At the monopoly price level

Question 6 - One of the reasons for financial meltdown in 2008 was that investment banks, hedge funds and private equity firms

Answer - Were highly leveraged

Question 7 - The Prisoners’ Dilemma case focuses on importance of

Answer - Communication

Question 8 - Dead weight loss due to tax is the highest when

Answer - Demand is relatively elastic and supply is also relatively elastic

Question 9 - Large investment in fixed assets and capital intensity

Answer - Reduces return on equity

Question 10 - High skimming price is recommended for new products if

Answer - The firm is operating under condition of increasing return and reducing cost

Question 11 - In a competitive market with elastic demand consumers’ surplus at equilibrium is

Answer - Is neutral to elasticity of supply

Question 12 - Higher efficiency and reduced cost have become necessary in recent times because

Answer - In competitive environment, margins are under pressure

Question 13 - Strong Brand equity gives greater competitive advantage to firms because

Answer - All of the above

Question 14 - Applying Porter’s Five Force Model to traditional businesses, the impact of information technology on competitive advantage is

Answer - Generally negative

Question 15 - Due to low switching costs rivalry between firms

Answer - Intensify

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