Monday, March 28, 2011

Quiz 1

Research Method – 1 Quiz (Prof. Umesh Kothari)

Question 1 - Match the following:-

Answer –

Respondent Error - Auspices Bias

Likert - Measurement Technique

Analysis between income and age - Cross –tabulation

Increase in sample size for normal distribution - Central Limit Theorem

Referral Sampling - Non Probabilistic sampling

Question 2 - Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is –

Answer - All of the above

Question 3 - 45% of respondents prefer A vs. B is an example of -

Answer - Quantitative Research

Question 4 - Which one of the following is NOT true for sampling

Answer - Sample results help in extrapolation of results in Exploratory Research

Question 5 - Defining a research objective:

Answer - Important step in the research process

Question 6 - A question which allows respondent the answer in any way they choose is a –

Answer - Open-Ended question

Question 7 - Hidden observation is often used because:

Answer - Researchers wish to minimize respondent error

Question 8 - Regression –

Answer - Helps determine the importance of a certain set of attributes

Question 9 - Question that suggests socially desirable answers is called –

Answer - Loaded question

Question 10 - A technique whereby the respondent is motivated to communicate his/her answers more fully –

Answer - Probing

Question 11 - Information taken from the college library newspapers and magazines by college students is a source of

Answer - Internal Secondary Research

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