MFP – 1 (Prof. / Dr Mankad) (Nov, 10-11 Dubai batch)
Question 1 (40 Marks)
Pick any article / section / advertisement from FT (not older than 1-2 days) and write a note on it (your own observations) for at least 2 pages.
Question 2 (24 Marks)
Two days before the exam, a hypothetical situation related to American election in 2020 arising out present day complex economic problem in the US has been given to you. Based on the given scenarios, please answer the following question –
1. What may happen from now till November 2020 that may bring the hypothetical situation described or something similar to it become reality?
2. What needs to be done to ensure that such a situation does not arise?
You may, if you desire, answer both the questions together in a single composite response.
Please note that assessment of your response will be made in totality and not question wise.
(Evaluation criterion: Superior response: 16 + marks, Average response 9-15 marks, poor and / or sketchy response less than 9 marks)
Question 3 (36 Marks)
Explain at length any four of the following statements. Your explanation needs to cover the meaning as well as context of the statement. Many practical examples will enrich your response.
1. Changing demographic is raising many macroeconomic issues globally
2. In present context, China’s economic growth is a blessing as well as a curse
3. Study of the Macroeconomic is study of imbalances in the world
4. Inflation is unjust, unemployment is undesirable
5. Gold Standard was not workable in the post first world war period
6. Global balance of payments is always in balance. If some countries have deficits, it is because some other countries have surplus
7. Making US dollar the reserve currency at Bretton Woods required obligations on part of America which it failed to keep.
8. Expectations shape macroeconomic outcomes
(Evaluation criterion: Superior response: 7 + marks, Average response 4-6 marks, poor and / or sketchy response less than 4 marks)
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