Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Green Giant

Green Giant Case

Marketing cost is not given. Hence can’t predict (For a new product, advertising will be there)

Philips Parker, from Insead Business school – S-Curve to find the future of the company. Forecast beyond 5 years is difficult by any curve. Use scenario mapping and sensitivity analysis.


Sensitivity analysis: it is a technique for systematically changing parameters in a model to determine the effects of such changes.

Usefulness of sensitivity analysis:

§ support decision making or the development of recommendations for decision makers (e.g. testing the robustness of a result);

§ enhancing communication from modellers to decision makers (e.g. by making recommendations more credible, understandable, compelling or persuasive);

§ increased understanding or quantification of the system (e.g. understanding relationships between input and output variables); and

§ model-development (e.g. searching for errors in the model).

High Cost of logistics for Frozen fruit / vegetable because of use of freezer

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